Post 9/11 foot traffic in Chinatown all but disappeared. This left the historic lunch destination suffering to remain relevant and in commercial despair.
Take10 Chinatown is the product of a group "challenge" assigned during my residency at the School of Visual Arts. It was up to Nina Dinoff, Elise Nassour, Micheline Rama, Kelsey Reifler, and myself to harness the power of design strategy and systems thinking in order to regenerate foot traffic and bring commerce back to this long-lived district.
Parts of our campaign were implemented over the next several years. A cart inspired by our design was built and utilized at events throughout Chinatown and our Foley Square dim sum event became part of the annual "Taste of Chinatown."
Take10 was created in association with The Chinatown Partnership, The Chinatown Business Improvement District, and the New York City Department of Small Business Services.